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#WeBelongInCollege Stories

about college students

Experiencing Academic Challenges

Stephon's Story

Leidy had always dreamed of becoming a doctor. But when she struggled with pre-med requirements, she started to question everything and left college. When she finally found the support she needed, she found the motivation to pursue her true passion. 

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When Stephon struggled in a class during his first year in college, he started to question whether he was smart enough for college. He soon realized that the only difference between him and his peers was their level of preparedness. Remaining confident in himself helped him persist.

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Christine felt like she was the only one in her class who was struggling and began to question whether she belonged in college. She reminded herself of why she wanted to be in college in the first place, and decided she would do whatever it took to catch up. 

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Karoline wanted to quit college when a professor publicly humiliated her in a remedial math class. Luckily, a college counselor convinced her to explain to the professor why she was struggling. After this, everything changed, and she realized that “part of belonging is being open so others can understand you.” 

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Christine's Story

Karoline's Story

Leidy's Story

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